Pro-2nd Amendment Rights . Pro-Veterans & First Responders . Pro-Fiscal Responsibility . Pro-Education

Pro-2nd Amendment Rights . Pro-Veterans & First Responders . Pro-Fiscal Responsibility . Pro-Education

Pro-2nd Amendment Rights . Pro-Veterans & First Responders . Pro-Fiscal Responsibility . Pro-Education Pro-2nd Amendment Rights . Pro-Veterans & First Responders . Pro-Fiscal Responsibility . Pro-Education

Honored to represent District 19 on issues that directly effect our daily living and quality of life.

You can count on me to continue to be prompt, responsive, and always vote to represent District 19 consistently, while in service in the Legislature.

Committed to Investing in our rich agricultural resources, Education, and supporting the success of small business in South Dakota.


Jessica Bahmuller - Republican for District 19


Resources for Recovery

The recent storms caused a lot of destruction in our communities. That takes a huge toll, creating stress and anxiety. Don't try to go it alone. There are resources available.

Support for Ag Producers

Click on the button to locate your counties information.

County Emergency Management Phone Numbers:

  • Bon Homme County E&DS - 605-589-4214

  • Hanson County Emergency Management - 605-239-4218

  • Hutchinson County Emergency Management Agency - 605-770-7927

  • ICAP McCook Sounty - Emergency Services Agency - 605-425-2271

Governor Noem proclaimed May to be Mental Health Awareness month to raise awareness, reduce the stigma, and help promote the resources that are available for South Dakotans.

To learn more about resource options, visit and click on the Behavioral Health tab.

You can also visit or dial 211 to reach the 211 Helpline Center. Program staff are trained to provide stress relief and handle mental health crises. The Helpline Center can also provide referrals to other resources.

For anyone struggling with a mental health challenge, crisis counseling is available 24/7 by dialing 1.800.273.8255 (TALK) or texting CONNECT to 741741. All calls are completely confidential.

Good government should work for you!

I want to bring common sense, main street values to Pierre.

Preserving our South Dakota way of life for our kids & protecting our home.

Meet Jessica.


Growing up being involved in 4-H and FFA, I realized the importance of community service at a young age. I have been active in the Republican Party my entire life; I have always been a strong conservative and know the values of small government and faith in the individual work. I want to preserve our South Dakota way of life for our kids.

I am married to an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran. I have three children in the public school system. My family owns a small business in SD, and I have ten years of experience in Local Government working for my neighbors in Alexandria.

I will put my small town values to work for District 19 in Pierre.

Join my campaign team today!

It’s time for solutions



Jessica is a fiscal conservative with practical experience working with small businesses and local government. She is ready to put that unique expertise to work for District 19. Jessica knows how important it is to support a balanced budget and oppose raising taxes. She’ll bring common sense, Main Street values and expertise to Pierre.


South Dakota’s rural hospitals and nursing homes are facing historic challenges. Jessica supports keeping these facilities in the local communities so our neighbors can receive the care they need close to home. In Pierre, Jessica will work to find solutions that meet the needs of our small town populations and keep care closer to home.


Jessica has worked in local government for the past ten years. She experienced firsthand the challenges our communities face. Jessica knows Sioux Falls and Rapid City solutions aren’t right for Alexandria, Salem, Tyndall, and other towns in District 19. Jessica will be an advocate for smaller state government to keep decisions local.



Would love to hear from you!